Converting quaternion to vector3
I’ve had to rebuild a few stages from DA2 and DAO DLC in the toolset in order to better visualize changes I needed to make to conversations/cutscenes and one of the major roadblocks is that while the orientation of objects is input as a 3-coordinate vector, it’s output to the .stg as a 4-coordinate quaternion.
Here’s how you get the original values back. Updated Nov 2022!
Open the file in pygff and locate the orientation.
Copy these values, in order, into this converter, You shouldn’t need more than 3-4 significant figures. Change the input and output angle format from radians to degrees.
Change the euler angle output to ZXY (the second-last in the drop-down list). Copy those values back into the toolset in ZXY order. Round generously. You’ll be able to see if you have the angle correct or not
One quick sanity check is that the roll (labeled Y in the output, the last value you enter into the toolset) should be basically 0, and should be input as such. Non-zero roll results in crazy dutch angles.
You can reverse the process to get acceptable quaternion values to input back into the file. Once again, change the drop-down to ZXY and enter in the according order.
And enter the quaternion output back into your file!