Dance Swap fbprojects

Download “Dance Swap fbprojects” sph_dance.7z – Downloaded 217 times – 519.87 KB

Electing to upload fbprojects rather than upload and support a mod page for these right now. Several different methods of outfit swapping have been used. Anyone’s welcome to use these as a basis for their own swaps or just directly export and share these mods. Giving credit isn’t necessary but I won’t stop you if you want to. All I ask is that you don’t share any mods based off these files under the “Winter Palace Dance Party” title I’ve been using for the wips on my blog as I had chosen that name specifically to associate it with my Party at the Winter Palace mod.

Most of the edits to most of the files should be pretty obvious but the model swaps specifically may be a little abstruse:

  • layer0_dsg_0100_dancewithduchess_main was edited when swapping in models that use the dress skeleton. This only swaps Florianne’s appearance in the dance cutscene. Florianne is the first BWCharacterSpawnReferenceObjectData in the file. Her headmorph and dress mesh were swapped by adding ExtraSpawnData.
  • npc_t_grand_duchess_florianne was edited when swapping models that use a different skeleton, as the skeleton can’t be changed using the first method. This swaps her in every cutscene she appears in the dress. Under index [9] (AntAnimatableSpawnData) > AnimationData > Animatable, the MasterSkeletonAsset must be changed as well as the Actor > AssetGuid (you can find the actor guids you need in other spawn templates). The headmorph and model are swapped under index [11] (AppearanceComponentSpawnData).
  • bdy_hfd_duchess01_mesh_set was edited when swapping models that don’t have their own mesh_set.

Bundle edits were made with the aid of electricfish’s body swap tutorial. Bundle edits with Morrigan’s dress cause a hard crash right before the speech at the end if the mod is left in. No other bundle edits have been tested for issues.