LAA patch
The Large Address Aware or LAA patch, also known as the 4GB patch, sets a flag in an x86 (32 bit) executable that allows the program to utilize more memory on x64 (64 bit) systems—4 GB of memory, rather than 2 GB. This can help a lot with the performance of older games on newer systems, especially games that leak as much memory as DAO and DA2.
Any LAA patch works the same way. I personally use and recommend NTCore’s 4GB patch to patch Origins, DA2, and the Origins Toolset.
This works with no issue if your games are installed through any means except for Steam, which may get extremely cranky about any modifications made to the executable and/or continually overwrite them.
Here is more information about LAA flags.
Here is a solution for patching Origins with Steam. I don’t use Steam and can’t personally attest to or vouch for it. I know of no such solution for patching DA2 with Steam.